Friday, September 21, 2007

Nepal's Kidney Racket

Dakshindhoka, a small town in the northeastern outskirts of Kathmandu is busy in the eve of Teej, a Hindu festival for woman. I disembarked from an overcrowded blue minibus and started searching for Deepak Lama, my contact person. He leads me to a place where much of organ trade takes place.

We reach a four-storey building that houses a carpet factory. The neighborhood is bustling with activities: naked children playing; football match going on. It is hard to believe that this non-descript ghetto where carpet and garment workers from outside Kathmandu live and work, is another epicenter for selling kidneys. What I saw there left me stunned.

Meet twenty five year old Sagar Lama who in a last-ditch attempt to pay his debts, sold his kidney two years ago. Sagar is wearing a white undershirt and trousers. He tells me he sold his kidney after one Dinesh Magar from Jhapa persuaded him to do so for 80 thousand rupees (Approx 1,200 US $). He along with a broker Ashok Magar went to Chennai, India. Unlettered Sagar doesn't know the surgeon's name or even who the patient was. All he knows is his kidney was transplanted to an Indian.

As kidney trade is a shadowy and illegal business, there are always chances of donors being duped. Sagar was finally given 55 thousand rupees, 25 thousand less than promised. Shyam Lama, another kidney donor from Sindhupalchowk district, cuts a forlorn figure. "I needed money, so I decided to sell it," he tells me, leaving me flabbergasted; the simplicity of his statement and the complexity of this trade of gloom and doom that is tarnishing the image of Nepal.

Meanwhile, Hari Narayan Lama, a kidney broker and his accomplice Prem Lama were arrested by police three weeks ago. Police Inspector Uma Prasad Chaturvedi of Jansewa Police Beat, New Road, Kathmandu arrested them after a tip-off from Nir Bahadur Lama, a garment worker at Dakshindhoka. Dinesh Lama, Hari's accomplice, lured Nir Bahadur into selling kidney.

I was shocked to hear this news because I had met Hari in jail three years ago for a cover story on kidney trade for NEPAL magazine. Meeting him last Monday morning, I recalled our last meeting. Three years ago, he was spending his jail term for selling more that fifty human kidneys. How can the same person commit the same heinous crime again? I immediately realized that there is something terribly wrong in our punishment system. A criminal who spends considerable amount of time behind the bars is expected to be a good citizen upon his release. But, here was something that shattered this notion.

Hari Narayan, tears in his eyes (he also sold his kidney and his wife's before organizing the racket), says he will not repeat the crime again. But, his words have failed his deeds.

The carpet workers are falling prey to the likes of Hari. The carpet workers who had already sold their kidneys lure them. These donors morph into middle men. The modus operandi goes like this: poor factory workers enticed into selling kidney. These middlemen display their own scars to prove that they have remained healthy despite selling kidney. Gullible workers who are often in dire needs of money fall on the traps. Their blood group identified, health check ups done, eventually they end up in Chennai.

Hari Narayan used to operate from a guesthouse in Bagbazar, the inner part of Kathmandu. He posed as an agent sending workers to Gulf countries. He told me he would accompany the donors up to Indo-Nepal border and hands them over to one Rajan Damai who seems to be the chief racketeer. He also appears to be a master of disguise; changing names and addresses frequently.

In India, mostly in Chennai, the donors are kept in dark. Unfamiliar with the local language and the surroundings, they have to rely on the wily organ traders. The transplant takes place in MMM, MITO, St Thomas, Santos Hospitals.

At least sixty persons in Dakshindhoka area have already donated kidney. The eastern part of Kathmandu i.e. Jorpati, Gokarana, Mulpani could be home to four to 5 hundred kidney donors, locals say. The Human Organ Transplant Act 1998 has banned the sale of kidney. But, the trade goes unabated. One reason is lack of transplantation facility in Nepal. I strongly urge the authorities to allow the medical institutions the service of transplantation at the earliest. This could only possibly put a kibosh on illegal organ trade.

Related links: Read Chennai based investigative journalist Scott Carney's blog on kidney racket in South India.
A BBC report on Nepal's kidney trade


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Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If he will be possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Alessandro said...

Hi. Read this, abou the same problem

Anonymous said...


This thing is scary. I can't believe people are sustaining lives by brokering Kidney Transplant, what an insane profession.

Though allowing kidney transplant in Nepalese Medical facilities will stop people being lured to India and cheated, but it might as well turn Nepal as haven for Kidney Transplantation for Indians and other Nationals.

Poverty, no doubt, is the root cause. We can't stop someone trying to overcome their economic hardships, but we can definitely try getting the middle man out of equation.

Anonymous said...

"At least sixty persons in Dakshindhoka area have already donated kidney."

Shocking indeed. please keep exposing stories like these.

Anonymous said...

Ghastly,horrendous and terrifying. People like Hari Narayan are mere stooges as they themselves have fallen prey to the Kidney Mafia. Well educated people with greater knowledge of legalities are involved in this inhuman trade. So, it is a well organized mafia business operating across India and Nepal, not a simple racket. From your write-up, I have an impression that Nepalis' kidneys are being sold to Indian and other foreigners as the entire process of transplantation was carried out in South India. It is possible that few wealthy Nepalis could have availed themselves of desperately needed kidney through this mafia. But, a large chunk of clientele is apparently made up of foreginers. In this situation, even if we establish our own transplatation facilities or government allows kidney transplation in Nepal itself, cross-boarder kidney movement can not be stopped. So, this mafia business is likely to continue unabated unless there is awareness campaigns in ghettos and slums.

The most tricky issue I find in kidney transplantation is how to make people aware of dispensibility/indispensibility of a kidney. It is true that an individual can live his entire life on one kidney. This is what Doctors and Medical scientists generally claim to assure people who are legally entitled to donate their kidneys to their loved ones. And the very medical fact is now being used by tentacles of Mafias to lure poor citizenary to dispense with their kidneys. As we can not negate no-harm in donating one kidney, we can not claim to the poor people that they are endangering their lives by donating a kidney. So, medical basis can not be refuted for donating a kidney.

In such situation, the only one option left with us is to make them aware of legality of such kidney trades where donation for commercial purpose is not allowed. Now, comes the question, how many poor Nepalis will buy this logic and see rationale in legalities? Especially when they are lured with rosy promises of thick wad of money, many new victims are likely to be seen in coming days.

So, we have only one option left with us. That is to consitute a joint probe commission with India and nab the medical practitioners, hospitals and doctors there in India. Unless this Mafia organization is busted, this trade would keep on flourishing. So, keep on writing on this issue.



Anonymous said...

wow...I am speechless. Not as surprised but so ashamed to be in a place where there is so much waste.

Unknown said...

Hi I want o positive kidney donor from Nepal .... We will pay good amount who have interested then contact me my email I' or my contact num:08977770982

Anonymous said...

Do you want to sell your kidney or other organs if yes apply for a sale today and you will be given the maximum satisfaction you need contact me via email:


Dear Sir /Madam,
Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for MONEY; Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ ve kidney donor. If anyone is willing to donate or buy kidney please contact us immediately and we shall offer you $150,000.00 USD for your Kidney.
Dr Anthony Jones
Phone (+91) 9833798170


Dear Sir /Madam,
Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for MONEY; Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ ve kidney donor. If anyone is willing to donate or buy kidney please contact us immediately and we shall offer you $150,000.00 USD for your Kidney.
Dr Anthony Jones
Phone (+91) 9833798170

Dr.Mohan A Mathew said...

Do you want to sell your kidney? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell
your kidney for money due to financial break down and you don’t know what
to do, then contact us today and we shall offer you good amount for your Kidney. My
name is (Doctor David Gray) am a Phrenologist in Dave gary hospital. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of
kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian,Turkey, Nigeria, USA, London Kuwait,Europeans etc.Malaysia. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via email., CONTACT TEL:8867897303

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,
Hello, Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need of kidney donor. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email:

Phone Number:+917028164818
Dr Jose Morgan

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,
Hello, Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need of kidney donor. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email:

Phone Number:+917028164818
Dr Jose Morgan

Unknown said...

Welcome to irrua specialist special hospital,
Do you want to buy or sell your kidney?, Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and you don’t know what to do, then contact us today and we shall offer you good amount of money for your Kidney we specialize for top class medical treatment like Heart Surgery, Cancer Care, Spinal fusion surgery , sleeve mastectomy surgery , and other major surgeries. contact us now via: ( with the follow details below,

phone number:

Good luck to you.

Best Regard,
Dr Tommy.

Unknown said...

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Specialist hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_ (

Dr Dave Gray.
Contact ;+91-9823228720

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Appolo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Phone Number:+918438341284

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money,fortris hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with or any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_ (

Dr. herman smith

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Bright Leonard hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email:

Anonymous said...

Attention To All,

Urgently need kidney donors. Pateints are offering for kidnney donor $30000 - $200000. Intresed donors could send their below details to this email address:

Full Name:

Father Name:

Mother Name:

Present Address:

Parmenent Address:

Contact Number:

E-mail ID:

Date of Birth:

Blood Group:


Dr. Bright Leonard

Email id:

Anonymous said...

Hello To You All,

I would always be thankful to a Medical Dr Bright Leonard, who gave me a new life financially as he bought one of my kidneys for his patient in his hospital and since then over 5months now i and my family have not known poverty again. i came across his advert on internet via one JANINE from USA but currently staying at INDIA who he bought her kidney was every where sharing her nice information and I saw his email contact as: and I did the needful and followed all the rules and regulations, i got half of the kidney money as approved by National Kidney Foundation ever before the transplant took place. I am using this medium to tell any one out there with financial challenges to take a bold step and contact this wonderful doctor on: your life would never remain the same i bet you. Luz Morales From Trinidad and Tobago.

Anonymous said...


seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and I want you to know that Dr Leonard will offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. He is a Nephrology in India Surgical Hospital. And their hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other organ treatment, they also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living and healthy donor. They are located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact them now via: as I did by contacting them and mine have been bought and I made good money from it as am financially stable and very boyant now... CONTACT DR BRIGHT NOW ON:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Bright Leonard hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email:

Anonymous said...

Do you want to sell your kidney?
Are you looking up too buy a kidney?
Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and you don't know what to do, then contact us today and we shall offer you good amount for your Kidney. My name is (Dr. Jeff Anderson) am a Phrenologist in Manipal hospital. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living and corresponding donor.
We are located in Indian, If you are interested in selling or buying kidneys please don't hesitate to contact us via email: {}.


Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Bright Leonard hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email:


Hello everyone

This is a true life story about me and Dr Bright Leonard, who I gave one of my kidney to for money and he paid me some good amount of money few days before the transplant took place, i used to be very poor and i finds it hard for me to eat, i came across a testimony talked about how Doctor Bright Leonard compensated him heavily by giving his kidney by one Mike Lucas who said any one who is interested should give it a trial and come back to testify, I copied the email as: and emailed him in less than three hours I got a reply from Doctor and we bargained and I took a bold step taking all the necessary agreements, in another few days I got paid as agreed by the both of us and a date was taken for operation, he came to my country (U.K ) and operated on me without any issues and I got my balance money, Am now financially settle and firm, please do not hesitate in contacting Dr Bright Leonard on this email address: for him to render assistances to you in purchasing your kidney so you can be RICH FOREVER AND EVER....



seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and I want you to know that Dr Leonard will offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. He is a Nephrology in India Surgical Hospital. And their hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other organ treatment, they also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living and healthy donor. They are located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact them now via: as I did by contacting them and mine have been bought and I made good money from it as am financially stable and very boyant now... CONTACT DR BRIGHT NOW ON:


Attention To All,

Urgently need kidney donors. Pateints are offering for kidnney donor $30000 - $200000. Intresed donors could send their below details to this email address:

Full Name:

Father Name:

Mother Name:

Present Address:

Parmenent Address:

Contact Number:

E-mail ID:

Date of Birth:

Blood Group:


Dr. Bright Leonard



Hello To You All,

I would always be thankful to a Medical Dr Bright Leonard, who gave me a new life financially as he bought one of my kidneys for his patient in his hospital and since then over 5months now i and my family have not known poverty again. i came across his advert on internet via one JANINE from USA but currently staying at INDIA who he bought her kidney was every where sharing her nice information and I saw his email contact as: and I did the needful and followed all the rules and regulations, i got half of the kidney money as approved by National Kidney Foundation ever before the transplant took place. I am using this medium to tell any one out there with financial challenges to take a bold step and contact this wonderful doctor on: your life would never remain the same i bet you. Luz Morales From Trinidad and Tobago.


Dear donor’s

I am ready to help you I can give best compensation for your donation...
Your all expenses like TRAVELING, ACCOMMODATION, FOOD, MEDICAL, etc . I will take care you no need to spend your money
Now I need some donors like O+, B+, ( A+ URGENT )
Time passers please don’t waste my time
Real donors you are always welcome
Dear brother and sister don’t give single paisa to any one
Male and female all are welcome,
Mail I’d :

Contact us now and we promise to treat you nicely and give you a very GOOD PAY OK..... CONTACT US NOW VIA:


Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Bright Leonard hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email:

Unknown said...

Max specialty hospital is now in the need of human organ such as the kidney, live and plasma . if you really want to sell any of these organ for money- 0+ve or A+v ,kindly contact our hospital and we will surely purchase your kidney at the rate of 85 lakhs including all expenses on the process.

Dr. Kyrian Joe

Hosmat said...


Hosmat Hospital is urgently in need for kidney donors with awarded amount of 70,00.000 Lakhs. Interested person should kindly contact us and you will be highly rewarded with this amount.

We Await your response soon

Our Email:
Phone Number: +918095965470
Dr. Evans Morris

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Dr. Godfrey Oziegbe of University Of Benin Teaching Hospital , I am a specialist in organ Surgery, and we deal with the buying of organ from human who want to sell, and we are located in Nigeria, USA and in Malaysia, but our head office is in Nigeria. if you are Interested in Selling your Kidney, or selling any part of your body organ Please contact us for more information. Contact us via email: or call our telephone number +2348151212655


Hoping to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

I'm Dr Michael Ibadin by name one of University Of Benin Teaching Hospital doctor, I have be given the opportunity by the hospital management to advertised on the internet how we work and that we have started again for the year for buying of human organs e.g kidney, If you are out there interested in this offer, Please do not hesitate to contact the hospital at the below email: Are you interested in selling your organ (kidney) so that you can be rich, kindly contact us.
The University Of Benin Teaching hospital are specialist in organs Surgery and as a donor there is no risk in it.And this is our email:

Unknown said...

seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you My name is Doctor HARRY DAVIDSON, i am a Nephrology in India Surgical Hospital. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other organ treatment, we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living and healthy donor. We are located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to

contact us via : Email: OR
Best Regard
Phone +2349053690611

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Dave Gray, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Specialist Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Dave Gray….
Contact: +91-7261903638

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney
today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $300,000.US Dollars.
The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.
My name is Dr Mikeal smith, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.
Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of
kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA,
Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate
to contact us via Email :
Need Geniu
contact number:+91 9686046976

Unknown said...


For the purpose of sales and buying of kidney we are only meant for that purpose in all india, therefore anyone who seriously need to sale or buy kidney, our hospital (Reliance foundation hospital ) are now in the urgent need of 0+ve and A+kidney donor. If anyone has interest he /she should sincerely contact us with a clear mind we will definitely compensate you with 95 lahks rupees for obtaining your kidney only in our hospital at RELIANCE FOUNDATION HOSPITAL , thanking you


Dr.Dominic vin

Unknown said...

Max specialty hospital is now in the need of human organ such as the kidney, live and plasma . if you really want to sell any of these organ for money- 0+ve or A+v ,kindly contact our hospital and we will surely purchase your kidney at the rate of 85 lakhs including all expenses on the process.

Dr. Kyrian Joe

Unknown said...

Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for MONEY and Organ for Money;
is currently in need of men and female donors for O+ve and A+ ve kidney donor. If anyone is willing to donate or buy kidney please contact us immediately and we shall offer you Rs 90 Lahks or $309,000 USD for your Kidney. Kindly send us your full details

Best Regards ...
Dr. Richard
Whats app +917200324119
Dr. Richard D Surgrical Hospital

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Larry Silver , am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Larry J Silver
Telephone no: +919538934079

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00, US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Larry Silver , am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Genuine Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Larry J Silver

Dr Mark said...


This is to inform the general public Male or Female who are healthy and 100% serious in donating their kidney should urgently contact GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER. As we have a lot of patients who are hear for kidney transplant,
Are you
seeking for an opportunity to donate your kidney for money due to financial? break down and we shall offer you $400,000.00 USD for your Kidney. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other organ treatment, they also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living and healthy donor. If you are interested in donating your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via :


Phone: +2349050303095

Please Note: Please be sincere and truthful we are not kid, this is about saving
lives of others.

Best Regards.


Anonymous said...

I'm Dr Michael Ibadin by name one of University Of Benin Teaching Hospital doctor, I have be given the opportunity by the hospital management to advertised on the internet how we work and that we have started again for the year for buying of human organs e.g kidney, If you are out there interested in this offer, Please do not hesitate to contact the hospital at the below email: Are you interested in selling your organ (kidney) so that you can be rich, kindly contact us.
The University Of Benin Teaching hospital are specialist in organs Surgery and as a donor there is no risk in it.And this is our email:

Anonymous said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today.Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $708,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Collins, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Collins

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Larry Silver , am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Larry J Silver
Telephone no: +919538934079

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Phone Number: +917401774607

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Phone Number: +917401774607

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Apollo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Phone Number: +917401774607

Unknown said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00, US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Paul Michael, I'm a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Genuine Donors.

Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Davis Morgan

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a
state of financial breakdown?
Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option.If you wish
to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount
of $350,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name
is Dr Robert Hamilton, i,am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is
specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys
with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA,
Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please
don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Dr Robert Hamilton

Unknown said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Larry Silver , am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Larry J Silver
Telephone no: +919538934079

Unknown said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00, US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Paul Michael, I'm a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Genuine Donors.

Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Davis Morgan

Anonymous said...

I'm Dr Michael Ibadin by name one of University Of Benin Teaching Hospital doctor, I have be given the opportunity by the hospital management to advertised on the internet how we work and that we have started again for the year for buying of human organs e.g kidney, If you are out there interested in this offer, Please do not hesitate to contact the hospital at the below email: Are you interested in selling your organ (kidney) so that you can be rich, kindly contact us.
The University Of Benin Teaching hospital are specialist in organs Surgery and as a donor there is no risk in it.And this is our email:

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of$400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Larry Silver , am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Larry J Silver
Telephone no: +919538934079

Unknown said...

Welcome to Apollo Hospital, Specialist hospital that buy kidney.
Do you wish to sell your kidney in exchange of money? If yes.
Then contact Doctor Mark Kim today to get a reliable and good transaction for good money.
Contact email:
mobile: +917028164818

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Appolo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Phone Number: +917401774607

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Appolo hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Phone Number: +917401774607

Unknown said...

My name is (Doctor Kelly Christ) am a Phrenologist in Kelly Christ hospital. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Turkey, USA,Malaysia. contact us via email: ( Or Call Us +917756863563


michael said...

Hello, seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer

you $300,000 USD for your Kidney. My name is joy silver , i am a Nephrology in a Surgical Hospital. We are

located in Indian. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via: Email:(

Unknown said...

A licensed cash provider, We provide Affordable capital at 3% interest rate available for local and international borrowers, Are you seriously interested in getting a genuine funds without stress? Do you need this funds for business and to clear your bills?We are guaranteed in giving out cash services to our numerous clients all over world. With our flexible lending packages, cash can be processed and transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible, contact our specialist for advice and cash planning. Email: (

Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and you
don’t know what to do, then contact us today and we shall offer you good amount for your Kidney. My name is (Doctor Kelly Christ) am a Phrenologist in Kelly Christ hospital. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Turkey, USA,Malaysia. contact us via email: ( Or Call Us +917756863563


Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Larry Silver , am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Jerry Marz
Telephone no: +917760018212

Miss lummom said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today.Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $708,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Collins, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr collins

Unknown said...

Would you like to sell kidney? or do you want to buy kidney at UC DAVIS HEALTH CENTER.Are you looking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for financial reasons We buy healthy kidneys for a juicy price,kindly email us at

Unknown said...

Would you like to sell kidney? or do you want to buy kidney at UC DAVIS HEALTH CENTER.Are you looking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for financial reasons We buy healthy kidneys for a juicy price,kindly email us at

Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar

Dan said...

Hello dear sir/madam

I am DR. Seaman Edwin and i deal on buying/selling of kidneys, we are specialized in selling and buying various parts of the body like, liver, kidney, hearts and other delicate parts of the body. We have a well equipped hospital, and my fellow doctors are well trained. There will be no need for you to be afraid about because the surgery is life freed operation. So anyone interested should quickly contact our officials on

Make sure you don't hesitate to contact us because we will surely make sure we work with you and we will also make sure you enjoy doing business with us.

Thank you

Dr. Seaman

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of $220,000.00 USD, contact us now on (+917411369891) or

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of $220,000.00 USD, contact us now on (+917411369891) or

Unknown said...

DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. Call, Dr. Luwiss morris for more details +917411369891 or email @

Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

We are located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via : Email: Contact Number: +917411369891 Best Regard,s Dr. Luwiss Morris +917411369891

Unknown said...

We need kidney donor, we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via : Email: Pls reply to this email: Contact Number: +917411369891

Unknown said...

DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL ,We need kidney donor, we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via : Email: Pls reply to this email: Contact Number: +917411369891

Unknown said...

DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL ,We need kidney donor, we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via : Email: Pls reply to this email: Contact Number: +917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL IS IN NEED OF kidney any interested person should contact DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL. As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant,Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor Luwiss Morris, i am a Nephrology in India Surgical Hospital. Contact Number: +917411369891 OR Email (

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform the general public Male or Female who are healthy and 100% serious in selling their kidney should urgently contact DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL. As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant,Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor luwiss, i am a Nephrology in India Surgical Hospital. Our hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery/transplant and other organ treatment, we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living and healthy donor. We are located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via : Email:

Pls reply to this email:
Contact Number: +917411369891

Please Note: Internet there are a lot of people with different motive, So Please be sincere and truthful we are not kid, this is about saving lives of others. Fraudulent is not accepted please.

Best Regard,s
Dr. Luwiss Morris

Unknown said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Jerry Marz, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK,Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Jerry Marz
Telephone no:+917760018212

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam, DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA, any interested person should contact US Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor Luwiss Morris,Contact Number: +917411369891 OR Email (

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam, DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA, any interested person should contact US Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor Luwiss Morris,Contact Number: +917411369891 OR Email (

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, British kidney patient association is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Dr Jack Robinson

Phone Number: +917418275425

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and whatup me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and whatup me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, British kidney patient association is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Dr Jack Robinson

Phone Number: +917418275425

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, British kidney patient association is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passports require. If any one is willing to donate or buy please contact us through my email id_

Dr Jack Robinson

Phone Number: +917418275425

Unknown said...


We are very much in need (urgently ) of kidney now sir. we will not have enough times to be demanding for your personal information's.
Please note that we can not buy your kidney without the nkf donor certificate. Only when you have the certificate then you are eligible to sale your kidney to any hospital in India. But if you already have the living donor certificate then scan it into our email so we can proceed sir.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

this is our hospital address.
Address: Rao Saheb Achutrao, Patwardhan Marg, Four Bunglows, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053

Contact number:+917028463803

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam, DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL IS IN NEED OF kidney any interested person should contact us As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant,Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor Luwiss Morris. Contact Number:+917411369891 OR Email:

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and whatup me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


manipal hospital said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Jerry Marz, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK,Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Jerry Marz
Telephone no:+917760018212

Unknown said...

This is to inform the general public Male or Female who are healthy and %100 serious in selling their kidney should urgently contact Dr Matt Smith. As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant, Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $150,000USD for your Kidney. We are located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney please don’t hesitate to contact us via
Email: Phone:+919871746102

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$300,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and what-up me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA is looking for kidney donors,Very urgently. B ve , O ve and A ve , age should be more than 20 years. Interested people contact me at phone number: +91-7411369891 Regards Dr luwiss

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Dave gray hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passport photograph require. If any one is willing to donate there kidney please contact us through my email:,Phone number:+917411369891.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm looking for kidney donors, Very urgently. B ve , O ve and A ve with India passports/ Voters card or Pan-card and age should be more than 22 years. Interested people contact me at

phone number: 918807891974

Dr. fred louis

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm looking for kidney donors, Very urgently. B ve , O ve and A ve with India passports/ Voters card or Pan-card and age should be more than 22 years. Interested people contact me at

phone number: 918807891974

Dr. fred louis

Unknown said...

Apollo Hospital is in need of kidney donor, and we are ready to buy your kidney in the amount of $150,000.00, so if you are ready to sell your kidney for us kindly contact us for more details now.

Best regard
Dr. Dude Kumar
No. 00918123908042

Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for money? We are urgently in need of A+ve or B+ve and O+ve kidney donors. As you are ready for the kidney donor or buy please contact us now.

Best regard
Dr. Dude Kumar
No. 00918123908042

Unknown said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $400,000.00, US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr Davis Morgan, I'm a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Genuine Donors.

Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr Davis Morgan

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and whatsapp me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam, Hello ,Do you want to buy or sell your kidney for money, Dave gray hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ve kidney donors with any passport photograph require. If any one is willing to donate there kidney please contact us through my email:,Phone number:+917411369891.

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and whatsapp me on +91 812 390 7649

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

Apollo Hospital is in need of kidney donor, and we are ready to buy your kidney in the amount of $150,000.00, so if you are ready to sell your kidney for us kindly contact us for more details now.

Best regard
Dr. Dude Kumar
No. 00918123908042

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and me on +91 879 264 2654

Doctor Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

_SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD. Interested sellers should contact DR. LUWISS MORRIS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA. For more information contact us via Email: Phone No. +917411369891

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Unknown said...

_SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD. Interested sellers should contact DR. LUWISS MORRIS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA. For more information contact us via Email: Phone No. +917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and me on +91 879 264 2654

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD. Interested sellers should contact DR. LUWISS MORRIS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA. For more information contact us via Email: Phone No. +917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and me on +91 879 264 2654

Dr. Walter Kumar


Unknown said...

sir / madam

Bombay hospital in India are now seeking for a kidney donor.we can bye kidney or sell kidney to any person, this hospital really wanted 0+ve, b+ and A+ kidney donor.whoever that is ready to donate kindly send us your details and we are going to pay you 80 lahks rupees for your kidney without any delay and promise that you will be in a good condition for 40yrs after the operation .....our guarantee


Dr. Aziz Peter


Unknown said...

DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA,We need kidney donors in our hospital we shall offer you $220,000 USD for your kidney interested sellers should contact Dr.luwiss through,email id: OR phone number: +917411369891

Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for MONEY; Dave Gray hospital India is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ ve kidney donor. If anyone is willing to donate kidney please contact us immediately and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney.

Dr Luwiss,

Phone No: +917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

Do you want to sell your kidney? Are you seeking

for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money

due to financial break down and you don’t know what

to do? then contact us today Via email (

or call us on +91 879 264 2654 and we shall offer you

$280,000USD for one of your Kidney.

Dr. Walter Kumar

Unknown said...

My name is Dr.Luwiss Morris of Dave gray Hospital india I am a specialist in organ Surgery and we deal with the buying of organ from human who want to sell, and we are located in India but our head office is in U.S.A. if you are Interested in Selling your Kidney, Please contact us for more information. Contact us via email: ( +917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD. We are located in India, Contact us now on email

for more details.


Also call and me on +91 879 264 2654

Dr. Walter Kumar

Unknown said...

I'm Dr Luwiss morris at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA I have been given the opportunity by the management to advertised on the internet FOR KIDNEY SELLING WE SHALL OFFER YOU $220,000 USD FOR YOUR KIDNEY ANY INTERESTED PERSON SHOULD CONTACT ME NOW.


PHONE NUMBER:+917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


We are located in India

Dr. Walter Kumar

Unknown said...

I'm Dr Luwiss morris at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA I have been given the opportunity by the management to advertised on the internet FOR KIDNEY SELLING WE SHALL OFFER YOU $220,000 USD FOR YOUR KIDNEY ANY INTERESTED PERSON SHOULD CONTACT ME NOW.


PHONE NUMBER:+917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


We are located in India

Dr. Walter Kumar

Unknown said...

My name is Dr.Luwiss Morris of Dave gray Hospital india I am a specialist in organ Surgery and we deal with the buying of organ from human who want to sell, and we are located in India WE SHALL OFFER YOU $220,000 USD in Selling your Kidney, Please contact us for more information. Contact us via email: ( +917411369891

Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for URGENT MONEY. Dave Gray Hospital india is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ ve kidney donor. If anyone is willing to donate kidney please contact us immediately and we shall offer you $220,000.00 for your Kidney. please contact us immediately at ( )

Dr. luwiss morris

phone number: +917411369891

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr.Dave Gray now on email for more details.


Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life?
Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price?Here is an opportunity for you to sell for £500,000.
Interested sellers should contact Dr. Richard, a Nephrologist and
consultant surgeon at Dr. Richard D Surgrical Hospital. For more information contactus via Email:Best Regards ...
Dr. Richard
PHONE CALL;+917411484388
WHATS APP MESSAGE +917200324119
Dr. Richard D Surgrical Hospital

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of $220,000.00 USD Contact us now on email for more details Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD. Interested sellers should contact DR.Denton Cooley a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL ( Dr. luwiss morris +917411369891.

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of $220,000.00 USD, contact us now on (+917411369891) or

Dr Raymond said...

I'm looking for kidney donors,Very urgently. B ve ,O ve and A ve with India passports/ Voters card or Pan-card and age should be more than 22 years. Interested people contact me at Email:
Whatsapp No: +91-7406570913
Phone No: +91-7406574527
Dr Raymond Cole

Dr Raymond said...

I'm looking for kidney donors,Very urgently. B ve ,O ve and A ve with India passports/ Voters card or Pan-card and age should be more than 22 years. Interested people contact me at Email:
Whatsapp No: +91-7406570913
Phone No: +91-7406574527
Dr Raymond Cole

Unknown said...

_SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD. Interested sellers should contact DR. LUWISS MORRIS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA. For more information contact us via Email: Phone No. +917411369891

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr.Dave Gray now on email for more details.


Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


We are located in India

Dr. Walter Kumar

Unknown said...

_SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD. Interested sellers should contact DR. LUWISS MORRIS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at DAVE GRAY HOSPITAL INDIA. For more information contact us via Email: Phone No. +917411369891

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


We are located in India

Dr. Walter Kumar

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr.Dave Gray now on email for more details.


Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Unknown said...

Are you seeking an opportunity to sell your Kidney due to financial problem, kindly contact us today, we shall offer you very good amount for your Kidney 220,000.00 usd. We are specialized in Kidney transplant and also buying and selling of Kidney with corresponding donor. If you are interested in selling or buying of kidney's, kindly contact us via email: ( or +917411369891.

Unknown said...

Dear Kidney donor, Do you want to sell one of your kidney due to some personal reasons? Contact us now as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are B+ve , O+ve and A+ve and should have an Indian passports/ Voters card or any ID prove.
Donor should be within the age of 21 years or above. Interested Donor should contact me on my Email:

Dr. Frank Justice Mohammed
phone number: +917264832128

mark said...

In unguent need of a KIDNEY DONOR O+ or B+ patient in need of it ungentle

Please contact me via email and tell me how much you can sell please save person life and God will bless you

If you are interested contact me.

ADDRESS just the city/province


Mark Felix

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr.Dave Gray now on email for more details.


Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam, we are in NEED OF kidney any interested person should contact us As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant,Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor Luwiss Morris. email: ( Phone number:+917411369891/+919902495348

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr.Dave Mark now on email for more details.


Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$290,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more

details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. Walter Kumar

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Unknown said...

Dear Sir/Madam, we are in NEED OF kidney any interested person should contact us As we have a lot of patients who are here for kidney transplant,Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and we shall offer you $220,000.00 USD for your Kidney. My name is Doctor Luwiss Morris. email: ( Phone number:+917411369891/+919902495348

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of
$309,000.00, Contact us now on email for more details.
PHONE CALL;+917411484388
We are located in India
Dr. Richard D

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr. Dave Mark now on email for more details.


Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr. Dave Mark now on email for more details.


Unknown said...

Do you want to sell your kidney for money? We are urgently in need of A+ve or B+ve and O+ve kidney donors. As you are ready for the kidney donor or buy please contact us now.

No. +918123908042

Unknown said...


Apollo hospital is looking for Kidney donor A+, B+, O+, blood group donors between the age of 22-65. We give you all the entire best attempt, we will give you honest price for your donation & top best medical treatment it will help your future life, kindly contact us for more information.

No. +918123908042

Unknown said...

SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life?
Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD Interested sellers should contact DR.LUWISS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at Dave Gray HOSPITAL. For more information contact us via Email: ( or Phone: +919036544097

Unknown said...

Dear Sir /Madam,

Do you want to sell your kidney? Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to financial break down and you don’t know what to do, then contact us today and we shall offer you good amount for your Kidney. My name is DR LORENA FITCH am a Nephrologist in LORENA KIDNEY CLINIC. We specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Turkey, USA,Germany,Poland,Spain. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via email:(LORENAKIDNEYCLINIC@GMAIL.COM)



Unknown said...

If you are interested in selling one of your kidney for a good amount kindly Contact us now "The Apollo Spectra Hospital" as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are B+ve , O+ve and A+ve with any Indian ID prove.
Donor should be 21 years or above. Interested Donor should contact us now on my Email:

Dr. Frank Justice Mohammed
phone number: +917264832128

Unknown said...

SELL A KIDNEY. SAVE A LIFE AND MAKE MONEY. Do you want to sell your kidney to save a life?
Are you seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney at a good price? Here is an opportunity for you to sell for $220,000.00 USD Interested sellers should contact DR.LUWISS, a Nephrologist and consultant surgeon at Dave Gray HOSPITAL. For more information contact us via Email: ( or Phone: +919036544097

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: 91-8867088921

Unknown said...

Kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $290,000.00 US Dollars.Our Hospital

is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with transplantation of

kidneys with a living and corresponding donor. We are located in India,

Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc.If you are interested in

selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to

contact Dr. Dave Mark of Appolo Hospital Via :


Anonymous said...


This is to inform the general public Male or Female who are healthy and %100 serious in selling their kidney should urgently contact Dr. Donya Hockett As we have a lot

of patients who are here for kidney transplant, I shall offer you $290,000.00 USD for your Kidney.I am located in India. If you are interested in selling your kidney

please don’t hesitate to contact us via : Email: (

Dr. Donya Hockett
Phone Number:( +91 8050781454

Unknown said...

If you are interested in selling one of your kidney for a good amount kindly Contact us now "The Apollo Spectra Hospital" as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are B+ve , O+ve and A+ve with any Indian ID prove.
Donor should be 21 years or above. Interested Donor should contact us now on my Email:

Dr. Frank Justice Mohammed
phone number: +917264832128

Unknown said...

Sells your Kidney to Overcome Poverty now.

We are observing from the last few months that,lot of people are willing to donate kidney but,they are cheated by fraud people.Now we are coming forward to support you in selling of your kidney If you are really interested to sale your kidney please contact us we will help you Only genuine donors is required contacte email: ( Phone: +919036544097

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr. Dave Mark now on email for more details.


WHATSAPP NUMBER (+918123924808)

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

Hello Donor, Are you interested in selling one of your kidney for a good amount kindly Contact us now "The Apollo Spectra Hospital" as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are B+ve , O+ve and A+ve with any Indian ID prove.
Donor should be 21 years or above. Interested Donor should contact us now on my Email:

Dr. Frank Justice Mohammed
phone number: +917264832128

Unknown said...


We are very much in need (urgently ) of kidney now sir. we will not have enough times to be demanding for your personal information's.
Please note that we can not buy your kidney without the nkf donor certificate. Only when you have the certificate then you are eligible to sale your kidney to any hospital in India. But if you already have the living donor certificate then scan it into our email so we can proceed sir.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

Contact number:+917678048924

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr. HARRY Mark now on email for more details.


WHATSAPP NUMBER (+918123924808)

Dr. Walter Kumar said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr. HARRY Mark now on email for more details.


WHATSAPP NUMBER (+918123924808)

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact Dr. HARRY Mark now on email for more details.



Unknown said...


We are very much in need (urgently ) of kidney now sir. we will not have enough times to be demanding for your personal information's.
Please note that we can not buy your kidney without the nkf donor certificate. Only when you have the certificate then you are eligible to sale your kidney to any hospital in India. But if you already have the living donor certificate then scan it into our email so we can proceed sir.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

Contact number:+917678048924

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact DR. PHILIPS MARK now on email for more details.



Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospitals India for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

Contact DR. PHILIPS MARK now on email for more details.



Miss lummom said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today.Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr RICK, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email : or whatapp me on +2348108439977
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards….
Dr collins

DR.Henry Morgan said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $290,000.00US Dollars.The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Dr. Henry, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital.Our Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK,Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney's please don't hesitate to contact us at

Unknown said...

Here comes an Affordable way that will change your life for ever, Candler Hospital Savannah India,are urgently in need of (SPERM DONORS ONLY INDIA CITIZENS CAN APPLY.) for the sum of $100,000.00 USD, Contact Dr.Jame Francis. now on email for more details.( ) or call: +919036544071

Unknown said...


We are very much in need (urgently ) of kidney now sir. we will not have enough times to be demanding for your personal information's.
Please note that we can not buy your kidney without the nkf donor certificate. Only when you have the certificate then you are eligible to sale your kidney to any hospital in India. But if you already have the living donor certificate then scan it into our email so we can proceed sir.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

Contact number:+917678048924

Unknown said...

Hello everybody.

Apollo Hospital is in need of kidney donor, and we are ready to buy your kidney in the amount of $220,000.00, so if you are ready to sell your kidney for us kindly contact us for more details now.

No. +918123908042

Unknown said...

Kidney donor is needed A+, B+, O+, blood group donors between the age of 20-65. We give you all the entire best attempt, we will give you honest price for your donation & top best medical treatment it will help your future life, kindly contact us for more information. Email:

Unknown said...


We are very much in need (urgently ) of kidney now sir. we will not have enough times to be demanding for your personal information's.
Please note that we can not buy your kidney without the nkf donor certificate. Only when you have the certificate then you are eligible to sale your kidney to any hospital in India. But if you already have the living donor certificate then scan it into our email so we can proceed sir.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

Contact number:+917678048924

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors

in Appolo Hospital India for the sum of [$290,000USD],

Contact DR HARRY SCOTT now on Email for more details.


OR Call +918123924808

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Dr Paul Michael said...

Are you in debt? Do you need to raise cash for health care
costs or paying debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your kidney today. Message us immediately.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $208,000.00US Dollars. The National foundation is currently buying healthy kidney. My name is Dr Paul Michael, am a Nephrologist in the kidney National hospital. Columbia Asia Hospital is specialized in Kidney Surgery and we also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian, Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you are interested in selling or buying kidney’s please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Geniune Donors
Waiting for your responds….
Best Regards
Dr Paul Michael
Contact: +91-8867088921

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

Do you need to raise cash for health care costs or paying
debts or in a state of financial breakdown? Wait! Consider
selling your kidney as an Option. If you wish to sell your
kidney today. Message us immediately.A kidney is bought for
a maximum amount of $400,000.00, US Dollars.The National
foundation is currently buying healthy kidney.My name is Doctor kelvin, I'm a Nephrologist in the kidney National
hospital.Our Hospital is specialised in Kidney Surgery and we
also deal with buying and transplantation of kidneys with a
living an corresponding donor. We are located in Indian,
Canada, UK, Turkey, USA, Malaysia, South Africa etc. If you
are interested in selling or buying kidneys please dont
hesitate to contact us via Email :
Need Genuine Donors.
Waiting for your responds
Best Regards
Doctor Kelvin

Unknown said...


We are very much in need (urgently ) of kidney now sir. we will not have enough times to be demanding for your personal information's.
Please note that we can not buy your kidney without the nkf donor certificate. Only when you have the certificate then you are eligible to sale your kidney to any hospital in India. But if you already have the living donor certificate then scan it into our email so we can proceed sir.
A kidney is bought for a maximum amount of $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

Contact number:+917678048924

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

Would you like to sell kidney? at APPOLO HEALTH CARE INDIA.Are you

looking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for financial reasons? We

buy healthy kidneys for a good price of $290,000.00USD,Kindly contact us

today at Email..(,and we would be so glad to

help you with any assistance you need with immediate effect.

WHATSAPP NUMBER +918123924808

Unknown said...

Hello Donor, Are you interested in selling one of your kidney for a good amount kindly Contact us now "The Apollo Spectra Hospital" as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are B+ve , O+ve and A+ve with any Indian ID prove.
Donor should be 21 years or above. Interested Donor should contact us now on my Email:

Dr. Frank Justice Mohammed
phone number: +917264832128

DR RAMESH said...


Hello Friends
Do you want to sell your kidney for money?;Saroj Super Speciality Hospital is urgently in need for O+ve and A+ ve kidney donor.
If anyone is willing to donate kidney please contact us immediately and we shall offer you Rs 90 Lahks for your one kidney.

Send us your full details to this E-mail address :



Unknown said...

Hello everyone, You are welcome to COIMBATORE KIDNEY HOSPITAL

will are in need of urgent kidney O+ B+ A+ sellers please contact .Our offer is $177.947,83 USD which,00india rupees

Contact number:+917678048924

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Unknown said...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors in Apollo

Hospital for the sum of $290,000.00 USD, Contact us

now on email for more details. +91 879 264 2654

We are located in India

Dr. William James

Anonymous said...

We are urgently in need of organs donors in Kokilaben Hospital India for the
sum of $450,000,00 USD, Contact Dr.Donya Hockett via email for more details.
Phone NUmber:+91 8050781454
Watsup:+91 8050781454

Unknown said...

Apollo Hospital is urgently in need of A+, B+, O+,kidney

donors for the sum of $290,000.00 USD,

We are located in Indian, USA, Malaysia,Turkey.

If you are interested in selling your kidney’s please kindly

contact Dr.Luis Mason


phone: +91 879 264 2654

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